Welcome to Lifeworks

Supporting People in North Staffordshire with Autistic Spectrum Conditions

Who are Lifeworks Staffordshire?

Lifeworks supports marginalised people 14+ in North Staffordshire with an average or above IQ, with Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Tourette's Syndrome, mostly with mental ill health, and their carers to find a sustainable lifestyle. 

Lifeworks was established in 2006 by Louise Zandian, who is our CEO. We received the Queen's Award for Voluntary Services in 2012. From our own experiences, knowledge, and professional training, we understand that being on the Autistic Spectrum has many challenges for those on the spectrum and their families.

Lifeworks liaise with several local organisations, including @21, Autism Assessment Service, North Staffs Carers, Alice Charity, Our Space, Job Centre, SAAS, NSAAA, Healthwatch, and PEGIS. 
Meet the Team


is being in charge of your destiny

Mission Statement 
To support marginalised people 14+ with an average or above IQ with Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Tourette's Syndrome, mostly with mental ill health, and their carers to find a sustainable lifestyle.
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What is Autism?

Autism affects the way a person communicates and how they experience the world around them. It is considered a spectrum condition. While people with Autism share some similar characteristics, they are also all different from each other. The autism spectrum isn't linear from high to low but varies, just as one person might vary from another.

People with Autism may:
• find it hard to communicate and interact with other people
• not understand social rules and might seem blunt or rude
• find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
• take things very literally
• find things like bright lights, loud noises, smells, or certain textures overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
• get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
• get anxious about any changes to routine
• take longer to understand information
• repeat the same things over and over
• have highly specific interests or hobbies
• notice details that others miss
• have increased empathy or immense care for people or animals

Autism Acceptance

Facts and Figures

Autism diagnoses are on the rise and it is estimated that approximately one in every 100 children in the UK has autism. It is thought that for every three children with a diagnosis of autism there are another two children who have the condition but have not been given a formal diagnosis. Many people do not realise they have autism or get a diagnosis until adulthood. 
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More than 700,000 individuals have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum in the UK.


Only 16% of adults with autism in the UK are in full-time paid employment, and only 32% are in paid work.


143,500 school aged children have autism stated as their primary type of need in Special Educational Needs Support and Education


Autism is diagnosed between four and five times more in males than females. Autism in females is sometimes not recognised.

What is ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that affects children and adults. People with ADHD show a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impusivity that impacts them on a daily basis. This can intefer with their development and social interactions in every day life. 

People with ADHD may:

  • Fidget, get up, or walk around
  • Talk excessively 
  • Interrupt during conversations
  • Be restless
  • Forgetful
  • Easily distracted
  • Poor organisation
  • Appear to not be listening
  • Loses things easily
  • Avoids dislikes 
  • Trouble holding attention 
  • Makes mistakes or lack attention to detail
ADHD Support Groups Find Out More

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Updates and the latest information about Lifeworks Staffordshire
Crowd Funder

Please see the link below for Lifeworks Crowdfunder appeal. If you donate you can claim rewards, while they are available. We need to raise as much as possible so we can continue to run our activities. All money raised will be match funded by Sport England's Movement Fund. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/sports-for-people-with-autism-and-adhd Please feel free to share with […]

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Autism Acceptance 2024

Autism Acceptance 2024 World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognised day on 2 April every year. There are events all over the world to raise awareness to improve the lives of people on the spectrum World Autism Awareness Day - EN | United Nations The National Autistic Society have World Autism Week, they provide […]

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Funding Lifeworks have received funding from Cash 4 Clubs and Leek Building Society. £2000 from Cash 4 Clubs towards "sporting activities, to help mental health, wellbeing and reduce social isolation" over a 6 month period from March to September, and £1500 from Leek Building Society towards activities in conjunction with Green Door at Westport Lake. […]

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  12 Merrial St 
  ST5 2AD
  Landline: 01782 615222.
  Mobile: 07450002289.
  Charity Number 1120803
  Copyright 2021 Lifeworks Staffordshire
Chargeable Services

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